
Hello, sketchbook. You are so empty. Didn't paint normally from last year's December.
What's new? New paper model. Didn't go as well as I expected.
This is a special space designed to be a meeting place for creative people: for painting, for reading poems, for making music. Pretty hard to describe all the details... Took me one night to make it + some previous preparations. It was always hard for me to work with paper this way, but I got over it this time :)

Any ideas? Have to work harder to have the time for interesting projects. Seems impossible.


What I actually did.

9 papers of English, a lot of illustrating material for the project, 2 orthogonal drawings :) started Descriptive geometry. Was making paper architectural model yesterday, so it's ok with that.
7 hours till morning - 7 hours for me to finish 2 schemes for tomorrow! :)

some text describing project, saving it all just for myself :)
english and orthogonals done!
well, to simple...but that's how nature have to look on architectural plots 
cover of my album for all of this materials
drawing 1, variation of outline, have to be vertical here :)
drawing 2, have to be vertical as well
text written for the 1st part of a project, might be useful for me :)
graphic exercises with the ink!
expressive lines made to become an outline of a plan  :) have to be vertical as well
emotional image of feelings that is suppose to transform into architectural work in the end
ma favourite part of graphic exercises! :D
a piece of shit. nope, it's a work "picturesquiness and regularity" :D
an outline of a project setteled upside down here, but anyway can be watched from all the sides.


Whats gonna happen today?

Today I will try to devote all my day to work. So, what should be there by the end of the day (italics can be done later) :
1) 2 schemes and 2 orthogonal drawings.
2) paper architectural model in progress.
3) illustrating material to the project (text, combination of picturesqueness and regularity, watercolours+project in perspective, expressional lines, outline of a plan, graphic exercise - 6 papers in total)
4) English stuff; it's easy but takes time.
5) Studying materials conspect - concrete.
6) Academical drawig work.
7) Started work of the Theory of architecture and urbanism subject.
8) Conspects of Theory of architecture and urbanism subject.
9) Descriptive geometry (oh so many papers!)
10) History of Arts vocabulary.
11) Abstact on the History.

Let's see.